They are all around us. I have found that rules either
1) Keep us safe. (such as the sign that prohibits swimming in piranha-infested waters)
2) Force us to be or do something we wouldn't otherwise. (like doing all things possible to fit those size 4 jeans to be socially 'acceptable.')
Of course, many rules are good and necessary. I am truly grateful for parents who taught me that I don't put my hand on that hot stove and I also don't lower my standards for anyone else. This basic structure has guided me throughout my twenty-one years and although I have not always followed their advice, I have seen that they were (and still are) wiser than I am. Their rules are the ones that try to keep me from swimming in piranha infested waters.
I've always hated breaking the rules. In second grade each 7 year old had a card that you flipped over from the green side to the red if you were unpleasant. My problem was usually talking more than Mrs. Largo appreciated during her lectures on "If you give a mouse a cookie" and geography of the U.S. One time in particular she called me out and I had to walk in shame to flip my own card over to that rebellious red. I tend to become overly emotional when I'm punished, so the rest of that lecture was spent with my head in my hands on top of my desk, wishing everyone would stop staring as snot and tears soiled my overalls and pink flowered shirt.
I still hate breaking the rules. I don't like to be late to class and I can't even fathom the idea of a speeding ticket (currently knocking on wood so that doesn't happen).
But what about the other type of rules?
The ones where we force ourselves to change in order to be accepted? Let me tell you about a few of these created by Ms. Sassy Society that we feel expected to keep:
a. A perfectly toned body with no blemishes or any type of 'imperfection.'
b. A stunning wardrobe that's always up with the latest 'trends'
c. You must have more followers than following. Keep those 'likes' coming on every photo/post
d. Don't get caught participating in the 'wrong' activities. (aka choir, drama, robotics club, etc.)
e. Make sure your career is considered 'prestigious' and that you bring home the Benjamins
I am currently breaking ALL of these.
My body is nowhere near perfectly toned. Blemishes and 'imperfections' abound.
As for my wardrobe, I wear what I like. Sure, sometimes what I like happens to be 'in' at the time. But I don't wear clothes to be 'accepted.' I'm also a big fan of comfort and convenience, which includes sweats and those aloe-infused socks most days.
Social fame is definitely not one of my strong points. Good thing I don't base my worth off of the likes/hour ratio on any post of mine.
I actually played lacrosse in high school, but I loved choir and theater as well. Why do we feel those are not acceptable things? We worship actors and singers but cringe at the very arts where they first discovered their talents.
My current career very probably won't make millions. But I AM happy with what I've chosen to do.
.There are many other rules we should be breaking Define your own rules. Break the ones that force you to be something you're not.
There is always hope.
You are so profound. Great job changing people's lives every day, especially mine