Thursday, May 28, 2015

Black Keys

Black keys. 

We all have them; the moments that are dark, confusing, and void of hope. Each individual's black keys are different. One may struggle with addiction, another with perfectionism, loneliness, etc. But we post our flawless pictures to Instagram and Facebook anyway, filtered through rose colored glasses which create the illusion of a perfect life. A life with no black keys. Even though social media would like us to believe otherwise, no one has a life without black keys. 

Pretending you have no black keys in your life is actually worse than the 'shame' of acknowledging that you do. Admitting to bad hair days, anxiety, weakness, and mistakes is liberating; hiding them is exhausting and deceiving to others and most importantly, ourselves.

Why the black keys analogy? On today's modern piano, there are 52 white keys and 36 black keys. That's 88 completely different sounds made by each individual key that are needed to create all types of music. 

You may ask, why can't we take out the black keys? Are they truly necessary to write decent music? Certainly there are songs that consist of only white keys.

Yes, there ARE songs played only on white keys. And they are lovely. But not nearly as meaningful and fulfilling as those that use both the white AND the black

Thus it is in life; we all love the joyful, carefree moments. However, we cannot remove the struggles, for in the struggles lies our strength. The difficult moments shape us and strengthen us in ways that the happy moments cannot. The black keys give life and strength to the white ones as they play beautiful melodies. They are necessary and beautiful in their own way. 

I'm no polished writer and I never intended to have a blog. But I promised myself recently that I would find the beauty in and acknowledge every 'black key' in my life and use them to build up others on their journey as well. I can't promise groundbreaking sermons or 'how-to's' for every difficult situation you come across. But I CAN promise hope to those who have black keys. That should include every one who has ever gotten a bad grade on a test, had an argument with a loved one, looked in the mirror and didn't like what he saw, didn't make last month's rent, or had her heart broken, among countless other obstacles. 

This is my life without the filters; without the rose colored glass. Raw, real, black and white. I hope you know it's okay to not be okay sometimes. I hope you know that your black keys don't make you bad or unworthy or weak - they make you human. Every day I am learning to not only be okay with my black keys but to see how they make me stronger and more beautiful. 

I also hope you realize the white keys; priceless moments with family and friends, a new favorite song, the kindness of strangers, naps, stargazing, Zumba, tender mercies, and really good tea, just a name a few of my favorites. 

There is music all around us. Whether it's happy or sad, black or white, all the melodies come together and create our life. We can try to stop the music from playing or we can learn to dance to the tune, whatever it may be.

"Life is like a piano. The white keys represent happiness and the black show sadness. But as you go through life's journey, remember that the black keys also create music." 

There is always hope. 



  1. Awesome article. You are an amazing young woman.

  2. Can I just say I have the best roommate and best friend in the world? What an honor to know you
