And dressing up and trying out new stuff with my hair.
But I also love having beach hair, a clean face, and being able to rub my eyes without smearing black everywhere.
Is it wrong to wear makeup? Absolutely not.
Is it unacceptable to NOT wear it?
Your first answer is 'No, of course not!'
But think about it; society has trained us to believe otherwise.
Magazines, movies, ads, everywhere, all the time. They teach us that we are not beautiful if we are not 'done up.'
So I did a little experiment.
I thought, what if I could see both looks (natural and with makeup) side by side?
It was weird. And somehow liberating.
When I finished, I looked at that mirror for a long, long time.
And you know what? The strangest thing happened.
There was no side that was "more beautiful" than the other to me.
Just different.
I didn't think that the makeup was too much or that the natural needed more.
I was just me. And it felt like coming home.
Now I feel much more confident no matter which look I choose to show the world, knowing that I am loved and accepted by myself no matter what.
Let us love ourselves a little more and be kind to everyone on our journey to #selflove.
There is always hope.
Alright this is sweet! It's true you are super beautiful both ways. But I've always known that